Codespring Academic Involvement covers a set of colaboration programs with the elite universities from Cluj Napoca, Targu Mures and other cities in Transylvania.
„Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Babes-Bolyai University is one of the most prestigious center with research programs and profitable international cooperation for tech students.
Along with the Babes-Bolyai University and its academic personnel we have been building a partnership where our company has access to the best student pool. They can have insight of what working in the IT&C industry means by our Internship Programs. Moreover our Mentroing Program offers a technological environment for all those who starts a carreer in software developement.
„Technical University”, Cluj-Napoca

Codespring Academic Involvement is about building long lasting partnerships. Technical University Cluj Napoca and its Faculty of Automation and Computer Science provides most of our graduated and certified software engineers. In addition, as member of European Universty of Technology (EUt+), it strives to build an inclusive university and to increase knowledge based on a european common diploma and multidisciplinarity.
Codespring’s academic involvement means also sponsoring conferences organised by students, for students, such as hackatnons and scientific conferences.
„Sapientia University”, Cluj-Napoca

We have also started a partnership with Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. This young institution is aiming at providing education to the members of our community and performing scientific research on a high professional level. With its Computer Science, Automation and Applied Informatics, Telecommunication Systems and Technologies study programs, the Faculty of Technical and Human Scirnces in Targu Mures became a strong pillar in Codespring Ecosystem and tallent aquisition.