Why Cluj region and Cluj-Napoca city are becoming a hot spot for investors in ICT? Why is it constantly attracting outsourcing activities?

As you can see in the table below, the facts reveal a city ready to bloom on the world’s ICT map. The city has a wealth of resources that enable the growth of this location: growing and educated labor pool, multicultural and multilingual community, a well established academic research and development center for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines and a renewing infrastructure. The city is a historical core of Transylvania region’s economical and cultural development.

Nominated as finalist for the European Innovation Capital Awards in 2020, Cluj-Napoca continues to attract several interesting titles and awards.

According to KPMG and the Management Authority for the Regional operational Programme, the city is the most attractive growth pole in Romania. Contact  us for more information and insights.

Cluj-Napoca. Facts.

Ranking: 2nd city in Romania
Location: NW, Heart of Transylvania
Population: 324,576 + cca. 100.000 students
Accessibility: International airport (26 EU and pan-EU destinations)
Academic center: 11 universities (UBB, UTCN)
IT Hub: + 800 IT companies
IT Center: 1st IT export hub of Romania
(78% of Romanian IT exports)
Software engineers: + 16000 (active)
ICT graduates: ~ 1000 students / year
R&D centers: ~ 200 research units and laboratories
Technology parks:  Tetarom I, II, III, IV
Innovation parks: Cluj Innovation City (240 ha)
Multiculturality: Romanian, Hungarian, German, Dutch, Italian, Serbian and Jewish communities
Multilingual education: Romanian, Hungarian, German, French, English languages study lines for humanities and STEM
Major Investors in ITC:  DE, UK, USA, NL, A, F, FI, SE

Cluj-Napoca Awards


European Capital of Innovation Awards – Finalist city


The best Romanian city for quality of life


European Open Innovation 2.0 City Award – Winner


Digital City – Excellence in Digitalization Award


European Youth Capital


Cluj-Napoca, the Capital of Tolerance by Eurostat


Cluj-Napoca, the Friendliest City in Europe by Forbes


Cluj-Napoca, the City with the Cleanest Air in Europe


Cluj-Napoca, the City that will Shake Up the Art World in the 21st Century


Cluj-Napoca, the most attractive growth pole in Romania by KPMG consulting company and the ManagementAuthority for the Regional operational Programme (AM POR)