Nearshoring & Romania make a good match for the companies situated in Europe. Thanks to fast transportation means, to nearshore software processes in Romania is extremely feasible and controllable. Customers who have chosen to nearshore software processes in Romania, Cluj-Napoca also hold the majority of foreign investments.

Why nearshore in Romania? Instead of outsourcing or offshoring very far from the origin country, sometimes it is recommended to „nearshore” – that is to subcontract activities in a neighboring country. Main reasons for which some will opt for this type of collaboration are deriving from proximity benefits: geographically close, similar time zone, similar language, similar culture, similar political context or common historical background. All these allow to the Beneficiary high accessibility on site and easy control.

The nearshore activities in Romania have solid arguments. Due to our exceptional location in Cluj Napoca, Romania – a powerful university center and a major service provider, yes, we are being involved in nearshoring for companies in Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, and Scandinavian countries, United Kingdom, France, Italy or Switzerland. Our customers benefit of a very well prepared work force and what’s more it takes only 1h or 2h flight to get here.

In order to nearshore to Romania, Cluj-Napoca it is important to choose one of the widely spoken international languages: German / English / French. For Hungarian companies is even easier: they are quite bordering us and the Hungarian community in Romania and Cluj-Napoca has an important place.

As a governing thought about initiating nearshore software development processes in Romania, Cluj-Napoca: when deciding where and with who to start your project, take into consideration that Romania and Cluj are closer than they used to be. Contact us directly for more information.