Since 2010, our team has been organizing the Codespring Mentoring Program each year. Our goal is helping students enrolled in the program to get ready for the real software development career in accordance with the tech market trends. We have successfully collaborated with students from the faculties of Computer Programming, Informatics and Mathematics of  elite universities in Cluj-Napoca and Targu Mures.

The annual output of the program is about 15 – 20 students. Our mentors offer specialized trainings and supervision.

As presented in the introductory chapter, the Codespring Mentoring Program itself has multiple action tracks: practical trainings, fast-track courses, summer internships, common projects and preparation of BSc and MSc Dissertations.

The core pillars of the program are the practical trainings, the fast-track courses and the common projects.

Mentoring Program Modules

These are the modules that accompany your academic path, from the first years of university untill the masters. It is a longterm, solid knowledge based program that helps duture software engineer understand the logic and the basics of enterprise software debvelopment

MP1: Enterprise Software Development – The Basics

Cluj software team

From the very beginning you will be introduced in the world of object-oriented development.

MP2: Enterprise Software Development – Methodologies

Cluj software team

This module helps students understand how large software companies structure the software architecture and are able to develop various modules.

MP3: Enterprise Software Development – Platform and tools

Cluj software team

By this time, students will already have advanced knowledge of methodologies. It is time to get real work done with platform and tools.

Fast-Track Trainings

These are a set of specialized trainings, that vary annualy depending on the technology trends and demand. It definetly helps young graduates to find their place on the job market with powerfull skills set.


Cluj software team

Progressive Full-Stak Web Development with React


Cluj software team

Modern C++ Software Development


Cluj software team

Methods, tools and environments for effective software development.


Cluj software team

Automated Testing and Quality Assurance

Common Projects

Teams with 3 to 5 candidates are welcomed to apply for the common projects pogram. Candidate teams will be supervised and guided by experienced project managers throughout the entire period of the workshop. Common meetings are scheduled on a weekly basis to house Q&A sessions.
NOTE: If you plan to apply for one of our common projects it is advisable to en-roll in our trainings.


There is an admission procedure and a preliminary examination for undergraduate and graduate students, as well, to determine that candidates are eligible and have the necessary technical skills to succeed. The number of vacant places for each practical training enrolment program is limited.

All technical trainings and workshops will end with a final examination. All program attendees who will successfully complete final examination are awarded with a Certificate of Achievement recognized by Codespring and by Codespring’s partner network. Attendees have more than one occasion to take the final exam. Certification examination is open to everyone: one is eligible to take the certification examination even if he or she wasn’t enrolled in the program.

In most of the cases there is a dependency between enrollment programs: one cannot enrol into an advanced level, without having completed the level inferior to it.

Given the fact that all candidates have different knowledge backgrounds, Codespring will organize three to four consultancy sessions for each and every type of technical training to offer professional guidance throughout the entire period of the training.


For details and registrations in our trainings and mentoring programs, please follow the link below.