Codespring encourages students and programming passionate people to attend specialized scientific conferences, hackathons and events. We, as a company, are sponsoring and supporting Cluj scientific conferences and other local initiatives in Transylvania from the partner Universities and organizations.

While you participate actively in such events, you will get in-depth knowledge in your field of interest, you will get the chance to work on real projects and to know software developers from the industry.

Attending Codespring partner events may be also your first step towards a career in the software development industry or at our company.

Scientific conferences, Hackathons and Other Events

Some of the events where our colleagues present their papers, our mentors and projet managers are asked to take part in the jury’s work  or which we proudly sponsor:

  • SISY – IEEE International Symposium – organized by Óbuda University from Budapest, Subotica Tech from Serbia, University North from Croatia, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia and the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Computational Cybernetics
  • Hungarian National Scientific Students’ Circle Conference / OTDK in Informatics Science
  • VIBE Koli – designed as a knowledge forum within VIBE music festival. It reunites students, high schoolers and youth from all over Transylvania with industry experts, entrepreneurs, business people, academic personalities, artists and athletes willing to share their story and knowledge.
  • HacKMK – one of the best student events Codespring team is attending, organized by the board of Hungarian Students in Technology from Cluj Napoca.
  • TEDx Udvarhely – the event became the perfect platform for youg generation to gain inspiration for generating change
  • Transylvanian Students Scientific Conference powered by Codespring, organized in partnership with the Hungarian Student Union of Cluj-Napoca (KMDSZ) – one of the most well-known multidisciplinary Cluj scientific conferences