As a member of ANIS organization, we are glad to announce that this year too, members of the Romanian IT Community have accepted the challenge to contribute to the ANIS Excellence Scholarships 2019.

During a festive ceremony, with both academia official representatives, Romanian private tech companies and Romanian Government we will congratulate the winning academic teams.

The Awarded Scholarships during the ANIS Gala 2019 go under the following categories:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cyber security
  • Fin tech
  • Health Tech
  • Internet of Things
  • Machine Learning

The jury was formed from members of both private and public environment.

The event will take place in Bucharest, while the winning projects will be monitored during the year.

The ANIS Gala was launched in January 2015, in order to celebrate the previous years most important achievements in the IT sector.

Starting with 2016, ANIS has set a goal to turn this annual event into a recognition and awards event for the local companies and important IT sector performance.