Tomorrow, on the 26th of September 2013, in Cluj-Napoca a new Cluj IT Cluster event is taking place. Chaired by ANIS (The National Association of Software Industry)  and ARIES Transylvania (The Romanian Association for the Electronics and Software Industry) the debate theme is The IT Industry: how does the innovation based business model  really work? “ (original title: “Industria IT: cum funcționează modelul de business bazat pe inovație?” ). 

According to the ANIS official release, this meeting is part of the Business Days Cluj-Napoca meeting suite and will occur Thursday, 26.09.2013, starting at 18:30 at Grand Hotel Italia Cluj.

The major goal is to trigger a debate among the Cluj IT community about the premises of diverse Research and Development activity, the tools and instruments that should support it within the companies and the growth estimates of the industry.

The debate will be moderated by mr.  Andrei Pitiș, President of ANIS, Mr. Marcel Borodi, Preșident of  ARIES Transilvania and Mr. Alexandru Tulai, President of the Board of our Cluj IT Cluster.

Cluj IT companies and other regional companies are expected to join the debate.

As innovation is one of Codespring’s main concerns, we are curious about the actual evolution of the talks. Since we often develop applications of new solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or existing market needs we know how important the management of innovation is. From this point up to setting the foundations of ones business on innovation is an act of vision.

Emerging technologies lead society to new boundaries. Information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, robotics, and artificial intelligence are at the top of innovation processes. The forces behind these developments are both theoretical research and commercial research and development activities. Some innovations may sustain the current market status quo others may disrupt and create new markets, marginalizing the old ones.

Currently Codespring is involved in projects that address some of the emergent technologies: mobile collaboration, machine visions, radio-frequency identification, semantic web, augmented reality, virtual reality.

And speaking about mobile collaboration, building a business at global level in the 21st century definitely requires mobility, connectivity and accessibility.  Remote teams, different time zones, different cultures and the stringency of accurate results enhance the need for innovating working models.

In such context, we are looking forward to find out what other Cluj IT community members think on this topic.