Cluj software houses have different stories. The point is to know where you fit in. Even if each Cluj software house may have its cozy nest, it surely has its crazy corner too! It is a classic design principle to make sure that every developer, tester or tech savvy professional finds its room for creativity, efficiency boost or analytic thinking in the software house.

We roamed around Codespring Cluj software house and we found plenty of inspiration! Curious about it? Let’s enjoy a little bit of the Cluj Codespring software house together and wander within our imagination.

The Dreamy Window is hiding in one of our software house developers’ room. You would not say that a glass building may host such a cozy little nest, yet here it is, inviting you to dream away from the daily routine. With a nice traditional carpet, this little corner may lure you into higher dreams and help you refocus when in need.

The Playful Shelves spread across several rooms in our Cluj-Napoca software house. They bring a touch of color, of joy and disruption, just enough to get you energized and ready for action.

And because each house has its own peculiarities, at Codespring software house you will find the Timeless Pickled Red Pepper Jar …! It may not exactly be the Valyrian Steel or the Holy Grail, but it is definitely a legendary object with strong mythical potential. J It does not expire, it is always there, featuring the red peppers in the jar.

The Globetrotter Corner literally lights the room up with changing neon colors behind the world map. Not sure where to plan the next escape? Check-in this special room in our Cluj-Napoca software house and you may have some helpful input.

Ah! And there is this serene room filled with Mediterranean spirit! Scents of lavender, lots of flowers and short indoor trees… Open-hearted and vivacious spirit may be felt across this corner. A longing for majestic landscape represented in such a delicate manner!

A hanger can be so much more! A hanger can be a statement. A hanger with names on it says who lives in this house. We like the feel of personal touch in interior decoration, therefore we really enjoy to see this fancy piece on the wall.

Tool racks are simply divine in a software house. You know you have tech people around when you see racks filled with cables, hardware and who knows what. They are unmissable. Tool racks simply are.

And of course, Codespring software house has now its own statement wall. In a DIY style, it simply reflects what the creators wanted. Bluntly, it resumes the team, their activity and passion for software development.

The time for Motion Comics is a good family time. You can see it on the walls too! Meet the characters, meet the team and enjoy the fun! Soon a comic strip for our own software house? Probably.

As we continue wandering around, the Green Corner gets you in an oasis of relaxation,  in flow with nature. Since we make our own story, we create the environment in which we feel good. Do not underestimate the power of holistic experiences in the workplace: colors, scents, lights, materials, messages – all count. The Green Corner brings everything: tactile experience, a special fragrance, relaxing creative light, a statement message and a mindfulness image on the wall. This room in our Cluj-Napoca software house totally brought it together!

We hope you can feel the coziness and authentic spirit we have here at Codespring’s  Cluj-Napoca software house. There is an old Romanian saying that states that “The man blesses the place” and not the other way around. It is the same with the work and the projects in which we get involved. It is the team who makes it or breaks it.