After a successful Automated Testing Training at Codespring, during July 2018, a selected number of students from the elite universities in Cluj-Napoca had the chance to continue on a Summer Internship. Only 5 students got through the selection process and benefited from our hands-on mentoring.

The cozy atmosphere at Codespring and the openness of our mentors proved to be a successful match for our trainees. The internship was implemented on two separate projects.

The students had to work on the following projects:

Project #1 – An app that keeps track of your on board personnel

The idea of the project was to allow IT staff to mark when they are available to take calls, to provide support and assistance and other tasks. It keeps the organization visible by status updates. The office hours and the scheduled statuses will be much easier to follow. Different integrations may be developed for various organizations.

Supported platform: Android

Technology summary: an automated Node.js backend facilitates SIP routing so that any call to a provided IT support telephone number is routed to the personal cell of all available colleagues.

Students involved in the project: 3

Project #2 – Quality Assurance Due for an Online Calendar

The project aimed to introduce quality assurance elements to an app that helps users easily follow and interact with schedules and programs. The tested system consists of a central server, an Android and a web client application.

Technology summary: the API tests were written in Postman and Newman; the UI tests were written in Selenium and Python. A GitLab continuous integration pipeline provides full automation of these aspects.

Students involved in the project: 2

Taking this summer internship as another good example for our future trainees, we are looking forward to inform you on the upcoming internship opportunities for fall/winter 2018/2019.

The Internship opportunity is open for students attending the Faculty of Mathematics – Informatics from the Babes Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and for the students attending the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science or the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.

Feel free to get in touch with our team at