At Codespring we have always been an outdoorsy community. Hiking, biking, skiing, climbing, travelling are part of our lifestyle.

And YES! We received totally awesome new Codespring backpacks in 2018 and we have got a new challenge in 2019: to take interesting snapshots of our Codespring backpacks!

Therefore, we entered the final Codespring photo competition round in January 2020!

Team Comes First at Codespring

Software development is quite an intense social activity and we appreciate our team a lot! That is why Codespring team gathered on Friday for a fabulous team photo or video or slow-mo, as you can see below.

Where did Codespring Backpacks Travel in 2019?

However, are you curious where were our Codespring colleagues globetrotting? Just follow the Codespring backpack and fantastic stories will rise about our Codespring software developers.

From the sea side to the mountain tops, from the Nordic icy landscapes to the hot arid Savannah, the Codespring backpacks covered an impressive territory in 2019.

Ingenuity was at high levels once again: from rescue backpacks to flying backpack, from scenic outdoors landscapes to urban areas, the Codespring backpack was clearly modelling around the globe.

The Big Question: What is in Your Codespring Backpack for 2020?

There is this saying among mountaineers and backpack travelers that you can tell how a person is like by the way he/she does and carries his/her backpack. Some prepare their backpacks for any possible situation; some prefer to travel with a minimum necessary. Some people concentrate their stuff inside the backpack; some accessorize it on the outside.

Our advice is just to keep your backpack comfortable and suitable to your needs and personality.  : )

In a moment of inspiration:

Thinking about 2020 as a new adventure, a new journey, what would you take with you in your Codespring backpack?