At Codespring, from Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, May was about reconnecting with the team. How did we do it? By doing our most appreciated team activity for the last 20 years: hiking in the mountains.

It may seem crazy that in these rainy days, we headed directly to the Ineu Peak in Rodnei Mountains, but it happened and it was total fun!

Gorgeous Mountains and Fantastic Team Spirit

After an adventurous bus road trip, we reached the Alpina Blazna chalet, up at 1100 m altitude the so called “entry gate” in the Rodnei Mountains from the Eastern Carpathians in Romania. Relaxing wild outdoors bath, adventure courses, indoor little friendly spa and game rooms – were there to host our group on Friday evening.

Saturday we headed full spirit towards the Rodnei ridges. We must admit that the weather was rather playful and discouraging: fog, rain showers, wind and drizzle… More hurdles, more fun!

Passing by Diana Chalet we crossed the idyllic meadows and the enchanted forest up to Cobășel Peak (1835 m) and Roșu Peak (2113 m). The amazing scenery and the beautiful clouds dancing around us made us feel at ease. Some rested on the peak, some continued to the little Ineu Peak (2222 m).

Sometimes you could distinguish the beautiful Lala lake – a glaciar lake in Rodnei Mountains. Soon after crossing the ridge and a snowy terrain, we climbed to the Ineu Peak (2279 m).

Naturally, we reached the peak in several groups, according to each group pace. What was important was that we enjoyed the hike and got back to the campfire in the evening!

Outdoorsy Teams Rock!

For those who know Codespring team, one of the most obvious traits is that most of the team loves outdoors sports and adventures! Almost everyone here has some outdoorsy activity from trail running, sailing, skiing, climbing, and biking to juggling and hiking.

“Like attracts like” – says the old community wisdom. Since the very beginning of this team, outdoor activities were at the core of the daily routine and we intend to keep it like this.

#1 Outdoor lovers enjoy the little things and appreciate subtle changes in Nature and life. They know that each light breeze can cause major changes somewhere on Earth. This is the underlying fundament of our fine-tuning philosophy: each element of a cooperation and project may be fine-tuned to reach its best.

#2 Active people have a good state of mind. Outdoorsy persons usually are quite active! Sports is part of the daily routine, therefore they are more prone to have positive attitude, feel calm and happy about their lives in general. At Codespring we value the ability of our colleague to be upbeat and pro-active.

#3 Community is important for most outdoor fans. Each of us know that you rather go in good company in the mountains, on a ski tour or on a sailing adventure! We help each other and strive to organize common activities so that everyone can join and participate. Codespring is a big family and everyone gets involved.

#4 Respect and care for Nature and the Environment is one of the top concerns among outdoorsy people. Since outdoor activities occur in open air and open waters, in the middle of Nature, it is important to take care of the landscape, of its cleanness and to eliminate useless waste from any operation. Codespring team tries to imprint these values to its new members and close partners.

#5 Stories, adventures and high life. Each time someone goes on a an outdoor activity, he or she comes back with a story to tell, an adventure to share and a feeling of being more alive than before! These experiences enrich our souls and bring color in our lives. We encourage everyone to reset and relax in the fresh air, clear waters and with nice people around!

If you are curious about Codespring team, get in touch with us via our friends, community programmes and professional events.

Follow our adventures online and during our local events!