Codespring is happy to announce all partners and friends that we have moved to a new office building in Cluj-Napoca. You can now reach us at 29 Frunzisului Street.  Grace to a great team work and attitude we are proud to have quickly and smoothly managed the whole equipment and processes relocation. We are fully functional and ready to receive guests.

The brand new building offers a beautiful panorama to Faget woods and nice view over the Zorilor neighborhood. The whole setting provides a modern work environment and higher standard facilities. The offices deploy over three floors and are easily accessible.

As to “baptize the new ship” we have organized a grill party in the yard behind the building. It was a great spot to “crack” the bottles of wine, beer and other tasty drinks. Obviously, good food and special “cooks” could not be missing the party. However, the most important of all is that we had a good time together, as a team, and the dawn found us telling stories and sharing thoughts… :)

Hoping that our new headquarters will also be the home of new projects and endeavors, we are waiting you to stop by, have a coffee and check out our potential and talent!

Codespring team.